In the famous Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling acknowledged the undisputed status of the mighty Bengal Tiger by introducing Shere Khan as the King of the Beasts.
Although the cat family includes many impressive and attractive animals, there is an aura of power and beauty about the Tiger.
I have traveled to this part of India since 2008 and have a lot of experience of the place and how it works. All of that knowledge I pass onto my clients so it makes their trip unforgettable.
Over those years I’ve ran my own photo tours there working with the best, local guides. All of my clients booked onto those tours have had some incredible encounters with Tigers and the other amazing wildlife that lives in Ranthambhore National Park.
I know many of the forest guards and always make time for them, they are the unsung heroes of the place.
I have worked with the best guides and drivers for over a decade. This enables my clients to get the best experiences and opportunities during their time there.
You get the same jeep , same driver and guide throughout your 12 safaris. All working together alongside myself using our collective knowledge and experiences of this incredible national park to get the best angles and encounters with Tigers and the other incredible wildlife that live there.
You will be staying at the beautiful Ranthambhore Regency on full board / all meals included. It’s a beautiful hotel with amazing hospitality.
Week One –
Sunday 2nd April – Sunday 9th April 2023
Week Two –
Monday 10th April – Monday 17th April 2023
For all the information and lots of previous blog reports and client testimonials see the following link.
Any questions or you need advice about this trip then send me a message or email ;
Many thanks.
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